Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Outman will lead Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
RELEASE|January 31, 2025
Contact: Pat Outman

State Rep. Pat Outman (R-Six Lakes) has been appointed by Speaker Matt Hall to serve as chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

The Transportation Committee oversees policies affecting roads, aviation, rail, and maritime infrastructure at the state and local levels.

Outman previously served as the Republican vice chair on the House Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure Committee in the 2023-24 term when Democrats controlled the House, he said he looks forward to leading the committee now that Republicans are back at the helm.

“I’m honored to accept this new role leading this important committee,” said Outman (R-Six Lakes). “Transportation plays a vital role in our economy, public safety and quality of life. I look forward to working with my bipartisan colleagues on the committee as well as relevant stakeholders and citizens to influence positive change for the people of Michigan.”

Outman has been passionate about infrastructure since first being elected to serve the people of the 91st House District. He has been an outspoken supporter for Speaker Hall’s road funding plan, which provides billions in resources for Michigan roads without increasing taxes.

“The cost of living has risen sharply in recent years, placing a heavy burden on working families. They simply cannot afford a tax hike. If implemented, Hall’s plan would provide real solutions without dipping back into taxpayer’s pockets,” Outman said. “People throughout Michigan are fed up with crumbling roads, and they want action. This is a responsible approach that prioritizes repairs where they’re needed most.

The proposal directs $3.145 billion annually toward road improvements. This includes $2.2 billion from the Corporate Income Tax—redirecting funds currently set aside for business incentives—and an additional $945 million by permanently allocating all taxes collected at the pump to road repairs. The plan includes zero new taxes and no new bonds that increase long-term debt for taxpayers. It also holds school funding harmless by dedicating $700 million in sales tax revenue to account for the decrease in what is normally allocated through gasoline sales tax.

The House Transportation Committee will meet at noon on Tuesdays in room 519 of the House Office Building. Local residents can tune into every committee meeting online, and can subscribe to committee notices via the Legislature’s website.

The committee will be vice-chaired by Rep. Greg Alexander. Other Republican members of the committee include Reps. Carra, Bruck, Kunse, Neyer, Prestin, Bohnak, Frisbie, and Wortz. Rep. Peter Herzberg will serve as minority vice chair. Democrat members of the committee include Reps. Hope, Koleszar, Andrews, Grant, Miller and Wilson.

Outman was also appointed to serve as a member of the Election Integrity Committee, Economic Competitiveness Committee, and the Natural Resources and Tourism Committee. Visit www.RepOutman.com to stay up to date on the representative’s activity at the capital.

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